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meet the artist


Hello beautiful soul!

I am Naz, the founder of Third Eye Creations.

I'm a San Francisco based graphic designer, pursuing a dream of becoming a business owner, immigrant woman; to be my own boss. I don't know why or how I got into the habit of sketching one specific thing, but ever since I was a child I've been drawing an "eye" on any piece of paper or surface I could find, it became a symbol that represented me, my story and my culture.
In 2020 after getting laid off due to COVID-19, I started working on my chakras while practicing yoga daily, plus I picked up designing and producing macrame wall hangings as a therapeutic practice. I quickly realized that I enjoy designing and creating home decorations especially after I started seeing the attention that my designs drew. Therefore I decided to open my own small handmade business “Third Eye Creations”. My designs are all inspired by opening the third eye and trusting my intuition; a skill all of us good benefit from these days.

So here I am starting to pursue the dream I have : to be a creator and a maker! And I want to do this sustainably, without hurting our planet. I hope you like my designs and these beautiful pieces would have a chance to brighten your living, studying, working or yoga/meditation space as well!

Much Love & Light,


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